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105th birthday celebrations for Ashford resident whose father was killed in WW1

Published: 05/05/2022
Ashford resident Joyce Dawes celebrating her 105th birthday

A very special member of Ashford’s community was honoured recently, as Mrs Joyce Dawes celebrated her 105th birthday on Tuesday 3 May 2022.

A ceremony took place at 11am on the day of Joyce’s milestone birthday, where a Liquidambar tree was planted at the Memorial Gardens. This was part of the Queen’s Green Canopy Project to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee year.

This event not only celebrated Joyce’s wonderful life, but also served as a tribute to her father, Second Lieutenant Alexander Cowling. During the Great War, he was killed by an artillery shell on 26 April 1918, whilst successfully defending the village of Voormezele in Belgium at one of the last battles at Ypres. 

Joyce Dawes receiving flowers from the Mayor of Ashford, Cllr Callum Knowles during her 105th birthday celebrations

Mrs Dawes is quite possibly the last person still living who lost a father in action, in World War One. Residents of Ashford now have the opportunity to visit the Memorial Gardens and reflect on an everlasting piece of Ashford’s proud historical roots.

During the tree planting ceremony, a plaque was unveiled and presented by the Mayor of Ashford, Cllr Callum Knowles and the Executive Leader of Ashford Borough Council Cllr Gerry Clarkson CBE.

Liquidambar tree and plaque on display at the Memorial Gardens, Ashford. Planted in honor of Joyce Dawes.

Cllr Andrew Buchanan, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Land Management, said: “I have known Joyce for a good number of years and it is amazing that she has lived to such an astonishing age.

“She has survived two world wars and two pandemics. The trilogy of marking a milestone birthday, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and a permanent memorial to a soldier who died fighting for his country over 105 years ago is a unique and moving occasion.”

As an additional treat for Joyce, Ashford Borough Council’s Communications Team encouraged residents to join in on the celebrations via social media, where a collective ‘Happy Birthday’ message was passed onto Joyce and her daughter Leita with a montage of warm wishes from the community - you can view this here.