D-Day 80 Events in the Ashford Borough
Organiser: Ashford Borough Council
Event: Raising of the D-Day 80 Flag of Peace. The RBL Chaplain Rev. Dr Sue Starkings will lead a short service to include the raising of the specially designed D-Day 80 Flag of Peace.
Location: Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford, TN23 1PL
Date/Time: 6 June, 9am
Organiser: Ashford Borough Council
Event: Ashford’s D-Day 80 Commemorative Ceremony. Hosted by the Mayor, the service will be led by the RBL Chaplain Rev. Dr Sue Starkings. The ceremony will include the choir of East Stour Primary School and the reading of the specially written D-Day 80 Heroes Poem for Schools. This event will mark the installation of the Floral Spitfire.
Location: Memorial Gardens, Church Road, Ashford, TN23 1QG
Date/Time: 6 June, 11am
Organiser: Ashford Borough Council
Event: D-Day 80 Lighting of the Ashford Civic Memorial Beacon and the reading of the International Tribute.
Location: Civic Park, Tannery Lane, Ashford, TN24 8DN
Date/Time: 6 June, 9.15pm
Organiser: South Willesborough & Newtown Community Council
Event: D-Day Beacon Lighting. Fish and Chips will be available to purchase for take away at the Alfred Arms from 5pm – 9pm. The SWAN Centre will be hosting a small exhibition of the Pageant Masters guide for the Beacon. SWANCC will be lighting a Beacon at 9:15pm at Gas House Fields allotments with gates open from 8:30pm for residents to attend and remember this anniversary. The official International Tribute will be read by the Community Council Manager at the lighting of the Beacon.
Location: Gas House Fields Allotments, TN24 0BB
Date/Time: 6 June, 8.30pm
Contact details: clerk@swancc.org.uk
Organiser: Brook Parish Council
Event: Lighting of D-Day 80 Beacon
Location: Brook Recreation Ground, The Street, Brook, Ashford, TN25 5PE
Date/Time: 6 June, 9.15pm
Contact details: sbetty.brookpc@gmail.com
Organiser: Tenterden Town Council
Event: Lighting of the Town’s Beacon. Come along and view the display of war time photos. The Heart of Kent Show Choir & Ruby Sisterz will be providing music entertainment from 8.30pm before the ceremonial part of the event at 9.15pm.
Location: Tenterden Recreation Ground, Recreation Ground Rd, Tenterden, TN30 6RA
Date/Time: 6 June, 8.30pm
Contact details: townhall@tenterdentowncouncil.gov.uk
Organiser: Wye with Hinxhill Parish Council
Event: Bring your own picnic, the church bells will ring out at 7.30pm with a performance by Ashford Concert Band from 8.00pm and the piper tribute at 9.00pm. The International Tribute will be read out at 9.10pm and the lighting of the Wye beacon at 9.15pm.
Location: Churchfield Green, Churchfield Way, Wye, TN25 5ER
Date/Time: 6 June, 7.00pm
Contact details: clerk@wyeparishcouncil.gov.uk